Wave Crashing


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At Samphire Risk, our common goal is to provide insurance that protects families and organisations from ‘bad people doing bad things’. For this reason we focus solely on malicious risks; our product range is strongly focused in this area and our team is made up of experts with considerable experience in this field.


Our core products are covered on this page but if there is something more specialised you need assistance with then please do get in touch.

Active Assailant and Workplace Violence

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Terrorism and Political Violence

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Our Terrorism and Political Violence coverage is built on a client by client basis. To find out how we can support you with your Terrorism and Political Violence coverage please do get in touch with the team by emailing info@samphirerisk.com.

Crisis Response

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Blended Solutions

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Kidnap for Ransom

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Accident and Travel

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We support corporate and commercial entities operating in hostile or complex environments with our personal accident and emergency medical response coverage. To find out how we can support your clients with our Accident and Travel coverage please do get in touch with the team by emailing info@samphirerisk.com.

Product Contamination and Recall

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Contact Samphire

Fill in the form and one of our team members will be in touch to answer your enquiry.